Easy Chilli Salt Recipes
Here are some of Peter Kuruvita's favourite ways to incorporate The One & Only Chilli Salt into a quick and delicious treat!
1. Beautiful ripe pineapple sprinkled with chilli salt
Ripe pineapple is important here, as the chilli salt works on the sweet and sour aspects of the pineapple. Cut the pineapple into wedges and remove their core, skewer the wedge and sprinkle liberally with chilli salt.
2. Popcorn tossed in chilli salt
If you use popping corn, place a small amount of oil in the bottom of a pan with a lid. When the oil is hot add the popcorn and agitate till the first kernels start to pop. Once the last kernel has popped, remove from the pot into a bowl, add butter if desired and then toss in a liberal amount of chilli salt.
If using microwave popcorn, remove from bag once cooked and toss with the chilli salt.
3. Chat potato chips chips tossed in chilli salt
Cut potatoes into wedges and cook them in an air fryer with a spray of oil for 30 minutes at 190 degrees. Once finished, remove them from the air fryer and toss in the chilli salt.
4. Hot buttered corn sprinkled with chilli salt
Clean the corn or if using frozen, defrost and the place in boiling water for 5 minutes. Remove and place on the BBQ, cook till tender and brush with butter before sprinkling the chilli salt on the corn. BBQ with a spray of olive oil, remove from grill and brush with butter and sprinkle chilli salt on it to finish!